So we are supposed to take his word for it? The man who said Saddam was building nuclear weapons, had mobile chemical warfare labs, was cooperating with a-Qaeda to attack the US, etc, etc. The Charlatan made some more unverifiable claims concerning his illegal domestic spying program today:
Those who oppose this vital tool in the war on terror need to answer a simple question: Which of the attacks I have just described would they prefer we had not stopped? Without this program,our intelligence community believes that al-Qaeda and its allies would have succeeded in launching another attack against the American homeland.
The CIA was the same bunch of folks who told the Charlatan that the invasion of Iraq would be "a slam dunk". They have a vested interested in spying on everybody they can. The fact is that the CIA and NSA worked within a system for two decades that protected American constitutional rights and worked well enough to alert him to the imminent possibility of a homeland attack--which he apparently ignored. Now he insists on removing all constitutional impediments to protect us from attempted attacks we know almost nothing about. My answer to the Charlatan is this: trust but verify. Remember that one from Ronnie? Show Congress how the unfettered, illegal system you instituted stopped the alleged attempted attacks in California, London, Djibouti, Karachi, and wherever else in the world you care to name. In the meantime, I think the Fourth Amendment and the cooperative FISA review process works just fine.
If you want to do something to help preserve your 4th Amendment rights against this onslaught of fear mongering sign's petition. The Bush regime has been illegally wiretapping Americans' phone calls with the willing assistance of major telecom companies like Verizon and AT&T. The White House is putting enormous pressure on Congress to give phone companies retroactive immunity for all the laws they broke spying on innocent Americans. And some key Democrats are poised to help them do it. The pending lawsuits against these companies may be the only way we ever find out how far the Regime went in breaking the law.