Saturday, June 07, 2008

Joe has Got to Go

Joe Liarman, that once upon a time Democrat, publicly criticised Obama for allegedly being weak on Iran, and not sufficiently Zionist to please the moneybags at AIPAC. Senator Obama, after securing his party's nomination for president, got involved in a heated conversation with Joe on the floor of the Senate. He led the increasingly right leaning independent senator off to a corner for a brief but animated conversation. Majority Leader Reid's suggestion that Joe should be stripped of his committee chairmanship is well taken. The Connecticut senator takes every opportunity to publicly identify himself with Republicans and their policy positions. He even uses their worn out talking points repeatedly accusing Iran of being bent on Israel's destruction, and accusing Democrats of a "blame America first mentality." Joe's Zionist line is not consistent with negotiating a more stable and peaceful Middle East. Its time to oust him from the caucus he loves to rebuke.