Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Truth, Justice and the American Way?

Who is one to believe?  The "Decider" or the International Red Cross?  My bet is on the Red Cross.  The neutral organization has been caring for wounded soldiers and prisoners of war since 1864.  When asked about the secret ICRC report on the treatment of detainees in CIA custody during a press conference in August 2007 he replied, "Haven't seen it; we don't torture." repeating the lie he first made in a speech on September 6, 2006[*].  This is not a matter of semantics fellow citizens, this is a violation of basic human dignity.  It is equally immaterial whether the tortured captives are terrorists or innocent bystanders.  Torture is illegal under US domestic law and international treaties and morally wrong. Full Stop.  And when torture is committed by the government of the "world's greatest democracy" without consequence something is terribly wrong with civilization.  Americans stood unflinching against the criminal Nazi regime and the Japanese military dictatorship at the cost of half a million lives lost in combat during WWII.  One of the defining principles of that "good war" was that no national leader or government is above accountability for war crimes.  If our government does not take the morally correct action and seek to hold those accountable for crimes that extend into the very sacristy of Washington--the Oval Office--it will be a betrayal of all those thousands who died fighting tyranny.
[*] Journalist Mark Danner writes in his article about the report,"In the wake of the ICRC report one can make several definitive statements: 1. Beginning in the spring of 2002 the United States began to torture prisoners.  This torture, approved by the President...and monitored in its daily unfolding by senior officials...clearly violated major treaty obligations of the United States including the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Torture, as well as US law".   See also the exclusive report by Jane Mayer in the New Yorker