Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The New Joe McCarthy

Former Democratic Senator 'Zion' Joe Lieberman is fast becoming the new Joe McCarthy. This Joe is not hunting alleged communists infiltrating our government, but "sleeper" Muslim terrorists bent on destroying our nation from within. Lieberman got more face time on Fox Spews for his precipitous statements about Ft. Hood mass killer Nidal Hasan's motivations. Shouting "Allah Akbar" is enough to label you a domestic terrorist according to Joe. Would a mass murderer shouting "Jesus is Lord" be categorized in Joe's book as a terrorist? US Person doubts it, even though Joe is a devout Jew. As Army Chief of Staff George Casey said, we all want to know what drove a trained officer and psychiatrist to such violent behavior*, but also "we need to be very, very careful here in these early days and let the investigation take its course." Most of the damage has already been done by Hasan, but irresponsibly claiming that the shooting was "the most destructive terrorist act to be committed on American soil since 9/11" chills our already strained relations with American Muslims in and out of the Armed Services. There are indications that Hasan was experiencing emotional distress and that he holds extreme views of America's wars in Central Asia which the Army knew about but ignored However, Maj. Hasan, as a US citizen, is entitled to due process of law, not trial by sound bytes from a reactionary politician.

[photo: Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, VA which Hasan attended while stationed a Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC]
*the suicide rate for male veterans is twice the civilian rate. www.nimh.nih.gov/science-news/2007/male-veterans-have-double-the-suicide-rate-of-civilians.shtml