Saturday, March 27, 2010
Great Britain To Ban Wild Animals in Circuses
After centuries of being exhibited to man for his amusement, and suffering often appalling treatment, the British Environment Minister Jim Fitzpatrick is reported by The Independent to be favorably considering a ban on wild animals continued exploitation by circuses. Consultation with the British public shows that a great majority back the idea. Currently four circuses in Great Britain use wild animals in their shows. The British Veterinary Association also thinks a ban is good idea. Minister Fitzpatrick said the animals in captivity will be looked after when their performing days are over. "Nobody wants to see them simply destroyed, and we will work with all concerned to secure a future for these animals.", the Minister was quoted as saying. A Bristol University study last year found that circuses, often economically distressed, fail to provide basic animal welfare needs such as space and animal socialization. Clearly the days of being entertained by captive animals, a western cultural mode since the Coliseum of imperial Rome, have finally past.