Thursday, February 17, 2011

Japan Halts Whale Hunt--Shepherds Claim Victory

latest Shepherd vessel: Gojira
The annual Antarctic whale hunt by Japan was brought to a premature halt after killing just 30 whales, far short of their target of 945.  The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been stalking and harassing the Japanese fleet during its operations.  Shepherd leader, Paul Watson, claimed his organization succeeding in shutting the operation down for now.  Wikileaks revealed that Japanese ministers pressed the US government to target the non-profit status of Sea Shepherd in return for reducing the size of the catch.  The malleable US negotiator agreed with Japanese authorities that the organization "does not deserve tax exempt status" because of its "aggressive and harmful actions".  Watson claims that labeling his organization as 'terrorist' has backfired.  Insurance companies doing business with the whaling fleet are charging higher premiums.  Japan has not yet removed its ships from the Southern Ocean, so Watson vows to continue hazing if the suspension of whaling turns out to be a ploy.  The whaling fleet was due to return home in March or April.