Thursday, May 03, 2012

Chickens Are Not Machines

Several states have passed humane laws prohibiting or regulating the use of battery cages for laying hens. The egg industry is fighting back by introducing into Congress a bill intended to keep hens where they think they belong, in cramped metal cages. In these metal boxes they live out an unimaginable existence without the ability to stretch their legs and wings or engage in normal behavior, laying eggs until they die. Supporters of the legislation, HR3798, claim that cages will be "enriched" and lead to eventual banning of battery cages by 2030. No so, according to the Human Farming Association. The bill's effect if passed by Congress would be to preempt state humane laws that already prohibit the use of inhumane cages. The bill also purports to improve air quality in egg factory warehouses, but in actuality does nothing to reduce harmful levels of ammonia. It merely adopts the United Egg Producers standards which are too high for animal health. Under the bill's provisions producers could label their eggs with the misleading label "enriched cages" when the cages are nothing more than larger metal cages. Finally the industry proposal has no criminal penalties for egregious cases of abuse and cruelty and shifts control of egg factories to the captured federal agency, US Department of Agriculture. Wonder why free range eggs taste better? The simple answer is, the chickens are happier and healthier. US Person uses only cage-free eggs. You should too. Help stop the "rotten egg" bill before industry succeeds in inserting it into the 'must pass' farm bill without discussion or debate. Go to and tell your representatives to vote no on HR 3798.