[credit: Chris Britt, State Journal-Register]
It is clear by now that Ambassador Susan Rice took one for the team by depriving the Repugnant hounds of a rabbit late in the race. The secret information that Al Qaeda was behind the Benghazi terror attack was all the incentive Mitty might have needed to pass up an incumbent running heavily on his anti-terror policy in a close race. Senators McCain, Graham, and Lieberman, the three horsemen of the neocons, rejected Rice's attempts in private meetings this week to explain why she did not use the name that could not be spoken when she went on Sunday talk shows to respond to the attack. So, her ascendency to the cabinet is likely
history as moderate
former Repugnant Senator Chuck Hegel of Nebraska is being vetted to take the post. Hegel has been critical of his party in the past on foreign policy, and he established a personal relationship with Senator Obama during a trip to Iraq. Senator John Kerry is also rumored, but unlikely, to be in contention for nomination to the post.
[credit: John Cole, Times-Tribune]
Wackydoodle sez: Ar'in you shur'nuf? I'm a thinkin' it were a necked lady!