Tuesday, November 19, 2013

COTW: Unaffordable Affordable Health Care

As real reformers and cat herders like US Person warned before the insurance industry's preferred option was passed in Congress, health care costs will not be controlled by Obamatron's healthcare legislation even after they get the website to work properly. As evidence here is a chart run by the Washington Post's "wonk blog" of Massachusetts's experience with its private insurance-based revision:

The federal legislation is modeled upon the Massachusetts plan which the late Senator Ted Kennedy helped to pass in his state. The number of adults who have opted to suffer rather than go to a doctor has crept steadily upward (blue line). Without a doubt, health coverage has expanded under the plan since 2006, but authors of a recent study of the state system say, "Massachusetts continues to struggle with escalating health care costs..." US Person says the solution to escalating costs is a single-payer system. In practical terms that means building up and improving the existing Medicare/Medicaid program to cover every American. Socialized medicine works in other countries, is America so different? NOT. Of course, we may have to sell a few submarines to pay for it. Just one of twenty-one examples of the United States' ludicrous health costs: