Sunday, December 21, 2014

Tru'Merica: Seaching for Col. Steele

Readers may remember Marlon Brando's riviting performance as the demented rogue colonel in the film "Apocalpse Now".  Operating in the heart of jungle darkness, beyond the control of his army superiors, Col. Kurtz created a macabre kingdom of death where he was feared by all including his own. Once again life has imitated art, this time in Iraq where Col. James Steele, an American commando and veteran of the dirty wars in Central America, set up a special paramilitary police unit whose task was to torture captives and obtain usable intelligence against the Sunni insurgency. A Journeyman Pictures trailer introduces a fifteen-month investigation by The Guardian and BBC Arabic. Can you handle the truth?  US Person has.

Watch the full length film here.