Tuesday, March 17, 2015

COTW: Dummer and Dummest Work Part-Time

One key aspect of the plutocracy's plan for 'Merica is to dumb down the populace by making higher education more expensive, thus more difficult to obtain. Reactionary thinkers have concluded that the anti-war and civil rights movements of the 60-70's were driven by a radicalized intelligencia based in universities and colleges. Less education therefore should result in less political dissent. People trying to get a college education are going deeper and deeper into debt to obtain a diploma. Here are the charts:

Just 60% of undergraduates complete a bachelor's degree program within six years. If they succeed, they have a credential to obtain a living wage job but there are no guarantees; an estimated twenty-five percent of graduates are unemployed, which pushes up the delinquency rate to twenty-seven percent of loans. The forty percent who do not get their degree still have to pay back their loans while working part-time in burger land if at all. Three-quarters of past due loans ($85bn) are owned by people over thirty.

When US Person walked into his first professional job his college loans were paid. No wonder his boss, who was paying college expenses for two daughters, turned red when he found that out!  Of course when people are paying off debt, they have less to spend on consumer goods and there dear readers the story of middle class demise begins. Checked your 401(k) lately?