Sunday, September 30, 2018

'Toontime: Hot Seat

credit: Dave Grunlund
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein was supposed to meet with Mr. Yuge at the White House last week to discuss his provocative suggestions that candidates for the FBI director's job should be wired for sound, and that the incumbent be removed from office under the 25th Amendment.  But official Washington has difficulty focusing on more than one scandal at a time. The performance of Bret Kavanaugh and his accusers has taken the limelight.  Rosenstein's meeting was postponed by the White House to this week.

Meanwhile the investigation, in which thirty-seven persons have been charged in connection with the probe; eight have pleaded guilty; and six, including four Trump associates, have agreed to cooperate, has turned its attention to long-time Trump political ally Robert Stone.  He allegedly contacted WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange during a critical period in the 2016 campaign. Stone wrote an email in which he directed his associate Jerome Corsi to contact conservative author Ted Molloch in London and have him meet with Assange. WikiLeaks was the conduit for public release of the Democratic National Committee emails which US intelligence says was provided by Russian intelligence agents, code-named "Guccifer 2.0"

Michael Cohen, former legal fixer for Mr. Yuge, is voluntarily cooperating with Mueller's team and the New York attorney general's office. He was once the man who said he "would do anything to protect Mr. Trump". Trump supporters have turned on him, characterizing Cohen as a lying 'rat' according to ABC News.  Cohen has met multiple times with the Special Counsel's office. However, the state investigation is potentially more damaging to Trump than the federal probe of Russian "collusion" since it is focusing on financial crimes that may have been committed by the Trump Foundation. No presidential immunity from indictment for state criminal charges exists. Mr. Yuge is now surrounded by close, high-level witnesses--ranging from his chief financial officer, former campaign chairman to his former national security advisor--who are cooperating with state and federal investigators.

credit: Dave Granlund
BC Idonwana sez, Orange man lucky...just pies!