Friday, March 15, 2019

The Sixth Great Dying Continues

Australian scientists reporting their research in the on-line journal PLOS Biology conclude that 1200 species globally face almost certain extinction without conservation intervention. Their research identifies extinction "hot spots" and "cool spots" of relative evaluated species richness.  Just five nations account for the remaining 70% of wilderness on Earth. US Person is proud to say North America is one of those regions. These charts help explain their findings:

Southeast Asia, notably Malaysia, is an area where human impacts on studied wildlife are the highest. However, human impacts were found over 84% of the globe's terrestrial surface area. The most concerning finding is that 1,237 species, nearly a quarter of the animals assessed, were affected by threats across more than 90% of their distribution. According to one the researchers, the obvious need is to protect the cool spots, which have the least impacts threatening wildlife survival.  All of North America is relatively low in impacts, but not if the current rabidly exploitative administration has its way.  A researcher said, there is till room for optimism because every threat studied could be stopped by effective conservation action.