Monday, November 04, 2019

COTW: Cognitive Disonance @ VWH

This weeks COTW is a billboard of insanity:

The above chart based on the latest computer models of rising sea levels due to global warming shows the number of coastal cities in danger of inundation by the middle of this century. By 2050 land that is home to 300 million around the globe will be covered in water by annual flooding. Frightening, but not as frightening as this next chart:

In a study of Il Douche's on-line screed since his inauguration, the newspaper of record determined that the Malignant One attacks in more than half of his tweets (11.000+).  The on-line social media platform has become his personal propaganda organ, one that is almost totally devoid of reality.  He has promoted conspiracies more than 1700 times.