Friday, January 24, 2020

'Toontime: Kabuki Time

credit:Adam Zyglis, Buffalo News
Wackydoodle sez: It ain't no lie if Trump sez it!

The House managers are making their case ad nauseum.  Even the babble heads on TV are complaining about the repetition. Despite the complete obstruction of the House investigation organized by the Tangerine Tyrant, they have amassed an impressive amount of evidence against him.  It remains to be seen if four Repugnant senators can find their spines long enough to vote for witnesses. Only in the surreal Swamp can the argument be considered serious that the case is incomplete and simultaneously claim its too late to hear them at trial after Trumpillin blocked their testimony in the House. Certainly witness credibility has become an issue in the case, and that can best be determined from live testimony.  Despite the Stalinist show trial aspects of the current proceedings, they are forcing the public to consider what they have wrought by voting a disordered, narcissist billionaire with no respect for law into the land's most powerful office.
 credit: Jimmy Margulies
BC Idonwanna sez: No drink--pikes standing by in cloakroom!