Saturday, May 09, 2020

Wall Street to 'Merica: F*ck U!

Here are a couple of statistics you don't need to be a mathematician to understand:  The stock market had its best month since 1987 in April.  In April 20.5 million and more of you lost your jobs, and a third of you cannot pay your rent or mortgage. Unemployment has reached Great Depression levels. Why this apparent paradox? The stock market is not the economy, dummy.  It measures corporate profits not human suffering.  Bernie Sanders wrote, "This is what a rigged and corrupt economy looks like..."  Those tech-intensive companies that insulate themselves from a human workforce like Amazon are the ones that benefit the most from eliminating labor costs.

These companies claimed the lion's share of the S&P 500 before the pandemic reached 'Merica. Eric Levitz observes at the New Yorker magazine: For years now, America’s corporate sector has been preparing for an economy fueled by the consumption of white-collar shut-ins, the labor of dis-empowered service workers, and the human-proofing of various industrial processes— without quite realizing that it was doing so. You are familiar with this pernicious process: robots in the warehouse and on the line, self service check-out in stores, at-home screen work, and export of jobs to low wage zones. Levitz is mistaken on one point, this was a conscious goal.  So the next time Total Douche takes credit for another disconnected stock market gain, tell him to go off himself because all he has to say to you is: "You're fired!"