Tuesday, December 22, 2020

COTW: Ending the Year With A Bang

What do you expect for a year like 2020, which will go down in the annals as the worst year in US history alongside 1862, 1929 and 1941? The charts tell the tale:
The virus will not begin to recede until late spring. Even with mass inoculations, depending on the level of participation, SARS-CoV-2 will not be effectively controlled for a year or more. The organism is already mutating to prolong its survival through greater transmissibility. If its genetic crap shoot hits a natural, the vaccines recently developed at record pace may become less effective. The various strains of resistant flu demonstrate this unthinkable possibility. Daily death rate in January will exceed 3,000, a truly tragic number. Excess deaths are generally viewed as the most accurate way to assess the impact of an infectious disease on a population. Mortality in 2020 is expected to top 3.2 million, mostly due to the pandemic. That represents a 15% increase over last year. According to AP, this would mark the largest single-year percentage leap since 1918, when tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers died in World War I and hundreds of thousands of Americans died in a flu pandemic. Deaths rose 46% that year, compared with 1917.

Meanwhile®, the sociopathic squatter with blood on his hands can think of nothing but his infomercial myth and the cash flow this insurrectional fantasy has created. He will desperately need the money to buy more unethical lawyers and pay off his Deutsche Bank loans once he leaves the immunity of the federal compound. Or will he chain himself to the "Resolute" desk in a version of WWF's "Smack Down", intended for the reality entertainment of his rabid fans? He wants you to stay tuned!


Chickens are roosting....on the 'stable genius'