Tuesday, June 08, 2021


This chart says it all. The monkey wrench in the machine is the crypto-plutocrat from West Virginia. LOOK....

Just what is it that Joe Manchin wants? Why does he insist on enabling bourbons intent on disestablishing democracy? His public justification is nonsensical: 'I won't support expanding access to the ballot because the minority party does not support it'. Is not that what democracy is about--the freedom to make choices? The GOP is disintegrating for very good reason--it is a white supremacist party committed to minority rule of a demographically diverse nation. When is Joe Biden going to have a face to face with the DINO in the room? Is there no end to Manchin's narcissism? Is this the end of democracy? Inquiring minds want to know.

Meanwhile, the Orange Menace waits off stage....