Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Creature Feature: Whose been Sleeping in My Tree?

Residents of Bruin Drive in  Chesapeake, VA were asking that question when a mother black bear and her three cubs settled down to a winter's nap in a neighborhood tree.  This Virginia Pilot/AP photo is very cute so US Person could not resist posting it here:

Fortunately for the bear family, police and wildlife officers summoned to the scene reacted in a controlled manner to their presence in the Silverwood neighborhood, an upscale area of large homes and spacious lawns with many large trees. They blocked off streets and asked nearby neighbors to stay indoors until the bears left the scene on their own. First reports of bears on the block came in at 2am.  Police stayed busy throughout the day keeping peepers away. Cameras with long lenses proliferated, and TV crews arrive to record the event. By 7pm the bears were still there, but only one wildlife official remained on the scene. The plan was to give the bears quiet time to wake up and move on, and it worked. The visit by the four bears will be remembered for a long time by people living on Bruin Drive.