More: The Nevada Attorney General has indicted six individuals including the chairman of the state RNC who posed as qualified presidential electors in that state as part of the scheme employed to stay in power illegally, Michigan and Georgia have already filed charges. Ken Chesebro was released from the conditions of his pre-trial release in Georgia to travel to Nevada to cooperate with that Attorney General's case. Chesebro will no doubt also travel to Arizona where the the Democratic AG promised to investigate the fake electors scheme in her state. Trump electors there did not even bother to qualify their selection as provisional in case the official slate was rejected. That did occur in New Mexico, which probably explains why no investigation is going forward there. Michigan will hold a probable cause hearing in its case next week.
The defendants in Nevada will undoubtably rely on the historic precedent of President John F. Kennedy's campaign in Hawaii in 1960. Their reliance is misplaced. Kennedy's people compiled a contingent slate of electors in the event he was declared the winner of a disputed election. They were not submitted to Congress until after he was declared the winner of Hawaii's election. His slate of electors were then submitted for counting. The Trump conspiracy submitted their slate of electors to Congress after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the Arizona presidential election. Clearly not the same situation.
{07.12.23}Don Trumpilini can be called a lot of names: malignant narcissist, chauvinistic boor, failed businessman, criminal defendant, and wanna-be dictator. One category he does not fall into is stupid. He has the cunning of a mobster, and the scruples of a con-man. His attorneys are attacking the US justice system in its vulnerable precincts by filling appeals left and right in the hope of delaying proceedings until the election decides whether he goes scot-free. The legal system is failing in its ability to handle an unprecedented criminal defendant. No one in US history has run for office while facing four criminal indictments and 91 felonies. Legal scrupulosity is making a hash out of what should be a straightforward criminal prosecution supported by abundant publicly known facts. His lawyers' latest gambit is to request the entire proceedings, including time-consuming jury selection, in DC be put on hold, while a notoriously slow DC Circuit of Appeals considers his dubious argument that he has absolute immunity from prosecution for acts committed while President of the United States.
It has already been determined as a civil matter that presidential immunity is not absolute. See PNG post, "The Delusions of Orange Jesus". It boggles the mind to think that a sitting President is entitled as a matter of law to commit crimes while in office. If that were the case, the War of Independence was fought in vain. The fact that he is running for office should be entirely irrelevant to the issues before the bar in his various criminal prosecutions. The justice system is playing into his hands by allowing him to use his campaign for a second term as a shield and excuse to launch public vitriol against the courts' officers. The US justice system's standing in the world as an impartial arbiter is disgraced, making a sick joke of the often expressed opprobrium, "No one is above the law."
the Ochre Menace exposed |