Thursday, January 18, 2024

Mind the Gap

This chart comes from the Economic Policy Institute via Lawyers, Guns &  It shows the incredible gap in earnings between the top 1% and the rest of US.  Wage growth for the bottom 90% has been less than one percent a year over the last 43 years.  While the top .1% have gained an astounding 344%.  This is just wage or salary income, not counting the massive shift in wealth via stock ownership (the top 10% own 90% of corporate equity). CEOs earned 21 times the typical worker in 1965.  That figure is now 344 times.  Between 1978 and 2022 inflation adjusted pay for CEOs at 350 of the largest publicly owned US firms grew by 1,209%.

The fortunate few and their lackeys in the press and Congress constantly howl about 'wealth redistribution' and 'socialism' when they are in fact the beneficiaries of the largest wealth redistribution since the Gilded Age!