Friday, May 10, 2024

COTW: The Big Rip-Off

It is no secret that the biggest friend the ultra-wealthy have is Don 'Legit'.  This chart shows that the richest Americans now enjoy an effective tax rate below what the rest of us pay! A so-called progressive income tax is no longer progressive thanks to Trump's massive tax cut for the wealthy while he was in office. It did not spur the economy nor raise wages--dishonest arguments used to pass the measure.  What happened is that corporations used the tax savings in corporate stock buybacks which benefited their already wealthy executives. 84% of the stock markets are owned by the top 10% of incomes. The shrinking of the middle class began with Ronald Reagan's "trickle down". [see chart] We can expect more of the same if the conman climbs back into the Oval Office.  A wealth tax and removing the earned income cap for social security is urgently needed to restore fairness to society.  The truth, not delusional scape-goating, will set you free.