Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Wolves Loose Strict Protection in Europe

Great efforts were expended to bring back wolves from the brink of extinction in recent decades.  An estimated 20,000 now roam the continent.  But inivetably the population increase has brought conflict with man as livestock kills have also increased.  One high profile instance of wolf predation occurred when wolf tagged GW950m entered a paddock and killed a pony owned by Ursula von der Leyen, the EU Commission President.  In response the Commission lowered the protection for wolves from the highest level, strict protection.  Conservationists have expressed alarm at the action saying it has green lighted wolf extermination again.  Most European experts think that the population is healthy enough to withstand a few culls provided it is done properly.  Latest assessments put five populations at near-threatened and one is considered vulnerable. by the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE).  As in the United States, the wolf has become a political symbol of rural anger over environmental regulations affecting their businesses. [credit: Getty Images]

In Switzerland, an attempt to downgrade wolf protection failed in 2022. Earlier this year, Swiss farmers dumped sheep carcasses in front of a government building to demand more action be taken to protect their investment.  The change in EU rules was approved by two-thirds of the Council of Europe.  The change will take effect in three months unless one third of the parties object.  The chair of LCIE commented, that taken alone the rule change is not dangerous, but "when we speak of wolves, there is a lot of irrationality out there." Amen.