Saturday, June 30, 2007
Dialogue with Hillary VII: Free Advice
Only your friends will tell you this, Hillary: You can't win the White House. Oh sure, you could muscle your way into the Democratic nomination with your rich insider support like the jet setting 'Friends of Bill' and the 'Hollywood Crowd', but even Obama is giving you a race on the inside. You raised $27 million last quarter. Obama was a few hundred thousand short of that. This quarter he will raise more than you. Its not all about money or a theme song. Your negative ratings are simply too astronomical, as I have said before. According to Mason-Dixon Polling 52% of us would not vote for you. 60% of independents (yellow dogs!), 56% of men (chauvinists!), 47% of women (traitors!) and 88% of Republicans (dummies!) would just say, no. You could be a lot more useful to your party and your country by bringing the Senate to a workable majority than running for President.