Tuesday, July 24, 2007

District of Bizarro XV: Block that Bill

Republicans are radioactive by now, having used the "nuclear option", otherwise known as the filibuster 42 times. Of the six pieces of legislation passed by the Democratic House in their first 100 hours only one, a modest minimum wage increase, has been made law. Trent Lott and a "little group of willful men" must be as giddy as a Mississippi high school football team winning a championship. Senate Rule 22 seems to need some amending, for example requiring all filibusters to be actual ones, not just procedural. As the rule now stands, a Senator merely needs to indicate his objection to a piece of legislation. The Senate majority leader can require extended bebate, as Senator Reid did on the troop withdrawal amendment, but its not mandatory. When the Democrats wanted to filibuster the Charlatan's Supreme Court nominations, Republicans were quick to suggest amending Rule 22 to prohibit filibuster of judicial nominations. If a tiny minority regardless of party wants to block progress they should be willing to expend some energy to overcome majority rule. At the current rate of filibustering the Republican minority will have attempted to block 150 bills by the end of 110th Congress, nearly 3 times more than any Congress in the last 50 years.