Monday, July 23, 2007

The Navy is Deaf

Because it refuses to listen to Americans it protects to stop killing whales and marine mammals with lethal blasts of sonar. It plans to deploy low frequency active sonar worldwide because it is paranoid about super quiet submarines sneaking up on the United States and blasting it to kingdom come. But Americans have more backbone than the Navy and do not want marine mammals assaulted with noise so loud that it can impact whales 300 miles away. Up till now the Navy was confined by a court order obtained by the National Resources Defense Council to testing in a remote area. The Navy wants to deploy the technology, and in a complete capitulation of its responsibilities to protect marine mammals, the National Marine Fisheries Service has permitted the deployment to go forward. There is only two days to submit official public comment against the Navy's myopic view of national security and protect intelligent, social mammals from needless pain and death. Please help by visiting the NRDC comment website and tell the Navy you feel secure enough to protect whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions from harm.