Thursday, March 20, 2008

Subsidizing Slaughter

One of John McCain's campaign advertisements rants about the federal government spending millions to study the biology of grizzly bear reproduction, holding the program up for ridicule as an example of wasteful spending. Leaving aside the $12 billion a month spent on war, and the scientific need to understand a specie's biology if we are to save them from extinction, there is another wildlife program that more merits the derision of Senator McCain. Despite hundreds of thousands of protests from Americans, the Regime is forging ahead with plans to slaughter hundreds of grey wolves (canus lupis) in the Northern Rockies. The predator is recovering from decimation as vermin and fur bearers, but is still on the endangered species list. Federal officials are bowing to political pressure from state managers, ranchers and hunters to resume killing their competition to the point of near extinction under a revised exception in the Endangered Species Act (Section10j). In short the federal government wants to spend taxpayer's money--it has already purchased two aircraft to allow extermination from above--to slaughter an animal it has spent money to protect and rehabilitate. Thanks to thirty years of protection the wolves have made a modest comeback. Their population is about 1500 living across a vast area of mountainous terrain. Their increase is central to reviving the region's ecosystems and tourist economy. Despite these positive developments, Idaho wants kill up to 85% of the wolves in it's boundaries leaving as few as 104 animals. Wyoming wants to kill more than 100 wolves. These proposed lethal actions have met concerted resistance from citizens of these states. There is a ballot initiative pending in Idaho to overturn the state's ill considered plan. Seventy-five percent of the public comments filed in Wyoming were against the plan. Help with your comments and donations. Go to and tell the Regime to call off this senseless killing. Ask John McCain to help stop wasting more federal funds by slaughtering grey wolves.