Thursday, March 20, 2008

Total Bovine Excrement

The Charlatan says we must "win" in Iraq. Only somebody who has never fought in a war, and in fact went out of his way to avoid service in Vietnam, could take such a sophomoric attitude to a conflict that is now longer than all of our previous wars except Vietnam. We all know how that turned out. Hans Blix, former head UN weapons inspector wrote in the Guardian, "Unmovic inspectors had carried out some 700 inspections at 500 sites without finding prohibited weapons. The contract that George Bush held up before Congress to show that Iraq was purchasing uranium oxide was proved to be a forgery. The allied powers were on thin ice, but they preferred to replace question marks with exclamation marks". There is no "winning" in Iraq as the British experienced when they were finally forced out of the country by Islamic nationalists. But as convervative commentator Pat Buchanan has observed, the only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn. Our invasion of Iraq has cost the lives of some 600,000 Iraqis and more American soldiers than died on the D-day beaches of Normandy. The Charlantan has spent our nation's treasure like a drunken sailor, yet Iraq is not reconstructed and the price of oil is at an all time high. This conflict is not a football game, but a blood and guts struggle pitting an invading imperial army against militiamen who will only be viewed as patriots by their countrymen and fellow Muhammadans. Winning is not a strategy, and dying for one's country without moral justification is only tragic.