Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Only in South Carolina

You may have noticed that South Carolina is...a little different than other states.  Besides its notoriously corrupt politics, inhabitants enjoy a rather archaic and truly brutal pastime.  US Person is not talking about football, either.  An investigation by the US Humane Society has captured the cruelty of bear baiting on video.  It ranks with bull fighting for the sheer coldheartedness involved.  A captive black bear is chained in a corral while wildly barking hunting dogs keep the bear in fear for its life while stupid humans enjoy the spectacle.  Often the captors remove teeth and claws making the bear defenseless against the swarming hounds.  Where this video was made, the assault continued for 4 HOURS.  She faced 300 dogs in succession. The yokels in South Carolina keep this kind of "training event" underground because they realize that the rest of their countrymen may find this spectacle more than backward.  The USHS says there are 26 captive bears in South Carolina, many are probably used for such cruel sport.  The state's Department of Natural Resources issues permits for keeping the bears in captivity, but does nothing about the cruelty these bear endure.  Black bears by nature are shy and retiring, one of the reason they are able to live around man.  The dog attacks must be frightening beyond explanation.  Two respected bear biologists that have viewed the footage say the bears are reacting in "defensive terror"  If you have the nerve you can view the shocking video here.  Then call or email South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Director John Frampton and ask him to stop this insane cruelty.  800-734-4007.

[photo credit: Aiken]