Friday, April 22, 2011

'Toontime: Show Me Your Papers!

[credit: Rob Rogers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]
Wackydoodle sez: "Evin ma' hound got papers!"
The Obamatron has hit a new low.  While mocking his critics for second guessing his administration at California fund raisers for his 2012 re-election campaign, he has approved the use of armed Predator drones against Col. Qaddafi's forces. His escalation of American involvement in the Libyan civil war reflects his opportunistic march to the right and away from the progressive anti-war base of his party. Call it mission creep or "reality creep" his reprise of the Charlatan's neo-con policies is creepy. He has set his sights on regime change in yet a third foreign war, and conceded the domestic faux budget battle to congressional right wing extremists whose main interest is protecting their wealthy sponsors. After three years in office, Obama's policy decisions are becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from his "war president" predecessor.