As US Person has written before Charles G. and David H. Koch are the über rich (3rd and 4th richest in the US) scions of an ultraconservative tradition that stretches back to the Texas Panhandle at the turn of the 19th century. Their Dutch immigrant grandfather Harry Koch was a reactionary newspaper owner-editor that supported Jim Crow and railed endlessly against FDR's New Deal as a socialist conspiracy bent on the country's destruction. Their father help found the ultra-right wing John Birch Society; no doubt Harry turned in his grave when son, Fred C., built 15 refineries for Joseph Stalin. The brothers continue the family's radical political heritage using the huge profits of privately held Koch Industries, Inc. to fund right-wing causes and think tanks. Their money plays a major role in funding the "tea party" faction. Their money continues to support climate deniers, effectively stymying political action to reduce our damaging dependence on carboniferous fuels. The Keystone XL pipeline is but the latest example of their efforts* to keep America using carbon fuels by fast tracking the project's approval in the Senate over the disapproval of the President. But now, progressives are going to take the fight to the home court in Wichita, Kansas. On February 17th progressives in a coalition of interests will occupy the hometown of Koch Industries, Inc. to bring national attention to the radical political activities of the Koch oil barons that are usually veiled beneath layers of corporate structure and political infighting. You can help by participating directly at Wichita, or if you prefer by supporting those on the front lines by donating money to purchase essential supplies.
*Flint Hill Resources Canada won intervenor status at the National Energy Board hearings that led to Canada's approval of the pipeline. The Koch Industries subsidiary told regulators it has a direct and substantial interest in the project.