Friday, February 10, 2012

'Toontime: The Fog of GOP Primaries

[credit: J.D. Crowe, Mobile Press-Register]
Wackydoodle axes:  Is that the hand of God or Carl Rove's?
What the results of the latest primaries in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri  show is the level of right-wing dissatisfaction with the once-upon-a-time moderate Mitt Romney as opposed to the level of support for Rick Santorum.  These smaller midwestern state wins will keep the Santorum campaign going, but in the long haul Romney's deepest pockets will carry the day even if it means winning in the convention's hotel rooms.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond a different show is grabbing the attention of the masses:
credit: [Christo Komarnitski, Sturshel]
That's the head of a Greek civil servant encased in the stone calendar. No agreement yet on a Greek bailout deal as the EU demands even more cuts of €325 million and parliamentary approval. Greek unions call for another forty-eight hour general strike.