[credit: Randall Enos] Wackdoodle axes: Does that there last four hours? |
Nothing brings
goons out of the closet like gun control. A hysterical legislator even
brandished an AK-47 in the air on the floor of Congress. A coded reference to the ghost of the communist
menace or even the new boogeyman of Islamic jihad? You decide. The NRA, which is primarily a lobbying front for the small arms industry, is attempting to
pervert arguments for controlling paramiitary weapons available at your
nearest Walmart, as it is wont to do, into an attack on the Second Amendment. There is absolutely nothing in Second Amendment jurisprudence which guarantees a private citizen an unrestricted right to possess a rapid-fire weapon originally intended for battlefield use. Even Switzerland with a genuine state militia regulates militia weapons and ammunition when a trained member decides to buy his firearm. If an outright ban on assault weapons cannot be achieved in this Congress, at a minimum assault rifles should be nationally registered and restrictions placed on both their transfer and magazine capacity:
[credit: Steve Breen, San Diego Union-Tribune]