Thursday, May 22, 2014

COTW: Amazon Protected Areas

Protection of one level or another extends to 44% of the Amazon; despite legal status some areas still suffer deforestation. Between 1998 and 2009 12,204 km² within protected zones was cleared. Damage was the most severe in "sustainable use" zones. A 2011 report from Imazon and the Instituto Socioambiental faults poor management as a contributing factor to the degradation which is still increasing [chart below] Some areas have no management plan and staffing levels are very low. Illegal logging and mining are the primary threats. Shortcomings aside, the overall rate of annual Amazon deforestation has declined by more than 75% since 2004; Brazil set aside more land for conservation than any other country on Earth during the first decade of this century, accounting for 60% of total terrestrial conservation during the decade.