Roosevelt Island, NY |
In 2010 the administration attempted to pass a carbon cap & trade scheme through Congress. Predictable, conservatives howled their disapproval and blocked it. Nevertheless the two states in the union that have cap & trade plans, California and Massachsetts, had Repugnant governors at the time the legislation was passed. Now the federal government will resort to administrative rule-making to implement the program at the national level. Gina McCarthy, the current EPA administrator, worked on the Massachusetts plan, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, for Governor Mitch Romney. He later disavowed the program when attacked by right-wing climate change deniers. Despite the crazies on the right, electric utility officials generally approve of cap & trade as a flexible way to comply with the new regulation. US Person is wary of the comoditization of carbon credits as a viable solution. Trading in credits could become more important that meeting emission reduction goals. He prefers the old school method of cap & regulate to gain real reductions in greenhouse emmissions.