Thursday, June 05, 2014
Park Ranger's Killers Arrested
Zambian park ranger Dexter Chilunda was killed by poachers while investigating gun shots fired in Lluwa Plain National Park on May 23, 2014. Two men were arrested in a nearby village June 1st for the murder. The arrests were the result of work by Zambian police, Zambian Wildlife Authority, and Lluwa Plain law enforcement officers following leads provided by cooperative local communities. Chilunda was an experienced ranger for ZAWA on temporary duty in Lluwa. He was buried in Kaomo on May 26th, and leaves behind a wife and seven children. The head of African Parks, an NGO which operates Lluwa Plain, said the quick apprehension sends a message to poachers about the consequences of their illegal activity. No court appearance has been yet been set for the defendants. Conservationists throughout the world recognize and appreciate the sacrifice of those men and women who protect Nature. Thank you.