Friday, February 20, 2015

'Toontime: Granny Has Lunch

Politics makes extremely unusual bedfellows, and none stranger than Elizabeth Warren and 'Ma' Clinton:

credit: Jeff Danzinger
Wackydoodle axes: Y'al have room for deesert?

The luncheon meeting is an attempt to bring the Democratic Party's left wing, disaffected by the Obamanation, back into the fold of true 'belibers'. US Person, being placed officially out of bounds by the real policy makers, is unaffected by this hysterical display of party disunity. Hillary Clinton is the presumed Democratic front-runner in 2016.  The Clinton Foundation has rasied over $2 billion since its inception in 2001 by accepting donations from foreign governmentsincluding the Saudis fossil fuel and financial companies.  Perhaps the most revealing foreign connection to the Clintons is that of Ukrainian steel magnet Victor Pinchuk. All three of the Clintons have attended private affairs with Pinchuk who has also donated to the Foundation. Formal complaints against Pinchuk have been filed in United States for unfair trade practices. Both sides say there is no connection between Pinchuk's business activities and the Clinton Foundation. The pattern of a big businessmen seeking social contact with potentially helpful national politicians by making charitable donations is unmistakable, however.