credit: Ed Wexler
Wackydoodle sez: He gots a bridge he can sell ya'll too!
And it is on the 'Merican people,
buddy. The carpetbagger Trump got what he wanted for his business empire: free international publicity, an influx of federal tax dollars into his resort chain, and personal contact with his Kremlin mentor who can help him with his business plans in Russia. Of course Putin got what he wanted too--unprecedented influence over the domestic political process of the US. Washington hung Major André for acting as Benedict Arnold's contact when Arnold negotiated the surrender of West Point for $3.65 million in today's dollars. (British General Clinton already knew the layout of the fort.) Trump gave away what was supposed to be a free and fair election to Russian spies running a covert
agitprop operation via the Internet. Yet Trump still occupies the White House, shamelessly
courting dictators and autocrats around the globe, while apparently furthering his private interests. My, how the nation has enfeebled itself in less than three hundred years! It takes a lot more than a 'yuge' nuclear arsenal to be the leader among nations. But then what can you expect from an
arrogant neurotic who believes the European Union is a "foe" of the United States? Ask this man:
Who is that man? Find out next week. |
This week in the Russian Connection investigation sees another heart-stopping revelation from the
New York Times: former personal lawyer Michael Cohen apparently taped his conversations with Mr.Yuge, including one in which they discussed paying off the former Playboy Bunny who committed sex with Hair Further--shudder the thought. A tape was seized by the FBI during an early morning raid on the Manhattan lawyer's office. This evidence puts additional pressure on Cohen to cooperate with Robert Mueller's wide-ranging investigation of Trump's
sleazy world. The tape also belies denials issued by Trump that he knew nothing of a hush money payment to Karen McDougal. Trump's current fireman, Rudy 'Gouliani', told the press the tape does not prove Trump had prior knowledge of any payment to McDougal. She was paid $150,000 by the
Enquirer magazine for the story of her tawdry affair. Since the tabloid supported Trump's candidacy, it sat on the story during the final days of his campaign.