Sunday, July 08, 2018

When Your Boss Makes You Hated

credit: Sandy Huffaker
BC Idonwanna sez: Orange man speak with forked tongue!

Sarah Huckabee Sanders may actually be a nice person outside of work, US Person prefers to think. But fronting for one of the most unpopular Presidents in modern history has its hazards. One of those is being refused service in a DC metro restaurant.  Of course 'Merican incivility to fellow 'Mericans are stories of history, but this president seems to bring out the worst in people. Perhaps it is his penchant for insulting his detractors via world-wide social media, in which he constantly indulges with impunity. A single example: In Iowa during the 2016 campaign the future president told a large rally, “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK?”  Too bad his staff have to suffer for his rampant arrogance and lies. US Person's advice: don't take your family to a restaurant named, "Red Hen"; try take-out next time, Ms Sanders!  This is what happens when the mob embraces a crass, populist demagogue with fascist inclinations:

Wackydoodle sez:  Buy two, its good for the 'conomy!