Friday, July 27, 2018

Lions Are Targeted by Trump

The continuing war against nature conducted by Hair Further and his cronies is exemplified by the news that his administration has issued more than three dozen lion trophy permits, allowing permits holders to import lion parts from Zimbabwe and Zambia into the country.  Thirty-three nimrods were given the permits; more than half donated to Repugnant politicians or have ties to Safari Club International.  Clearly, the permits are a reward for their financial support of captive lawmakers.  Lions in Africa are under severe stress from loss of habitat and prey.  Their populations have declined significantly across their shrinking range.  Once they lived from the Mediterranean Sea to the southern cape; now they are largely confined to East and Southern Africa. Only an estimated 20,000 still survive in the wild.  Lions in Asia have largely disappeared except for a remnant population living in the Gir National Forest of India.  The last census in 2017 recorded about 650.  Only the most insensitive, cynical, hostile and anthropocentric humans can justify hunting an icon of courage and strength when its existence is threatened by man's mismanagement and exploitation of the natural world.

Steve Chancellor, who raised $1 million at a fundraiser in his home, was appointed by Interior Secretary Zinke to head the newly created International Wildlife Conservation Counsel which is tasked with removing legal barriers to importation of animal trophies and promoting international hunting trips.  Chancellor was awarded a permit to import lion parts from Zimbabwe in 2016.  Secretary Zinke benefited from Safari Club largess, receiving a $10,000 donation to his congressional campaign from the organization.  There are other blatant examples of this putrid cronyism.  The greatest number of permits went to residents of Texas where a frontier mentality has never faded.

Etosha male, credit: US Person
After Cecil the lion was killed by an American dentist, the Obama administration moved to protect lions with additional restrictions on the importation of lion trophies including a ban on the import of trophies from Zimbabwe and any lion killed in enclosed parks. The Fish & Wildlife Service was also required to issue permits only for hunts of Panthera leo melanochaita that were proven to be part of a well-managed national conservation program in the country where the lions were killed.  A finding that lion hunting will improve their survival chances as a species is still required.  But since the Trump regime began loosening these restrictions at the behest of hunting interests, issuing trophy permits on a case by case basis excludes the public and conservationists from commenting on these findings before the permits are issued.  Scientific findings by a University of Montana conservation biologist support the conclusion that banning hunting increases lion populations.  Zambia imposed a three year hunting moratorium for lions; lion numbers increased with more cubs being raised. Contrary to reality, this government under Trump this administration has actually ratcheted up the false narrative that hunting can somehow save lions. The denial never stops.