Monday, June 24, 2019

'Toontime: Mother of All Charts

Now that the Trump regime is foisting yet another Mid-East war on 'Merica, it might be useful to see how much energy this country wastes according to this   flow chart from Lawrence-Livermore. The key here is the light grey flow:

According to the chart, the US wastes 68% of the energy it generates due to system and engine inefficiencies! That is a very large number.  If the nation invested in energy efficiency* instead of war machines, we would not need to protect large amounts of imported oil. Fossil fuels still make up over 80% of the fuel mix.  Inefficiencies lead to more consumption and greater profit, so logical thinking and green technology is declared out of bounds.

*To achieve much needed modernization, not to mention improving defense against cyberattacks, the nation's outdated and inefficient electrical grid should be nationalized.  Green energy producers should be allowed to hook up to the national grid, physically and undeniably an instrument of interstate commerce, at reduced rates to encourage clean energy production. The planet cannot wait for profiteers.