Friday, April 17, 2020

'Toontime: Covfefe

credit: Dave Whamond
 Wackydoodle sez: Covfefe!

Even Senate fan-boy Lindsey Graham says the US has not done enough testing to release possibly infectious millions back into wage slavery.  Although he enabled Total Douche by refusing to assess him with any responsibility, his remarks about testing are a long way from Douche's claim, "the best [testing] of any country in the world."  Here is another inconvenient fact in this chart:

Total Douche does not want comprehensive testing because the results would contradict his propaganda line that it is time for him as absolute monarch to 'open up the country'.  Experts admit that the COVID-19 infection figures are underestimates.  When New York started reporting probable cases, its statistics jumped significantly. A moribund economy is the worst thing that could happen to Bizarro Trumpillini's re-election prospects.  So, he just improvises*, posts inflammatory tweets, or blames international organizations or competitors for his failure in office.  He is worse than disruptive Dennis because he is so malicious.  RECORD ONE DAY DEATHS IN US: 4,591. ESCALATE!

*Total Douche's latest fantasy: SARS CoV-2 began in a Chinese bio lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (this lab was the first to identify SARS CoV-2 in January 2020). Here is what zoologist Dr. Peter Daszak said in an interview on Democracy Now!: "...we don’t really know for sure, but we can trace back the origins by looking at the genetic signal within the virus itself. So we sequence out the gene from the virus, the genome, and then we compare it to others. And when we do that, we see that the viruses in people, the closest relative of those are from bats. This is not unusual. Bats happen to carry a lot of different viral species. There are many different bats around the world that carry their own viruses. We make contact with them. Often we don’t see them. They fly at night, for instance. And we pick up their viruses. SARS coronavirus, the original virus, emerged from bats. Ebola virus is a bat-origin virus. Rabies and many other....We’ve been studying the origin of emerging diseases. About 75% of every new emerging disease — think about Ebola, H1N1 flu, H5N1 flu, you know, these pandemic viruses that emerge— originate in wildlife. Every species of wildlife carries viruses that are a natural part of its biology, a bit like we have the common cold and herpes, cold sores.....And we estimate there are 1.7 million unknown viruses in wildlife, so there’s a lot of diversity out there that could emerge in the future. And really, we need to be looking at that, instead of pointing fingers for political gain at scientists who are working to benefit public health."  

A study in The Lancet by four epidemiologists from Hong Kong show that the lock down of Wuhan in late January prevented the spread of infection outside Hubei Province; the major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Wenzhou, they write, saw a collapse in numbers of infections within two weeks of the partial lock down. Bizarro's capitalist=inspired reluctance to advocate partial quarantines in the US may result in 60,000 more "covfefe" deaths according to some calculations. China's government put public health paramount over economic considerations from the beginning of its response to the pandemic.  That, dear reader is the difference between a socialist and capitalist society.  

The new normal: after half a century of economic growth, China's economy will contract by 6% as a result of the pandemic. People are sleeping in cardboard boxes in empty Las Vegas casino parking lots. According to the International Monetary Fund, the global economy is expected to shrink by 3% during 2020 in a stunning coronavirus-driven collapse of activity that will mark the steepest downturn since the Great Depression