Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Chimpmunk Invasion

First it was squirrels in 2018 {26.10.18}, now it is the turn of chipmunks to drive people nuts in leafy New England.  Chipmunks are gathering nuts, and a lot of them.  A bumper crop of seeds and nuts has produced a population boom among Tamias striatus.  Ordinarily the little rodents are ignored by human gardeners when their numbers are low.  In large numbers, they can be destructive, borrowing into lawns, gardens, and even homes.  They have plenty of forage to choose from.  Excess acorns and hazelnuts litter the ground instead of being stashed away in underground storage for winter by the frenetic creatures. Humans should not be too concerned, as chipmunks are controlled by their many predators: owls, hawks, snakes, foxes and raccoons.  They are all part of Nature's food chain, best left alone.  Even if a chipmunk avoids consumption, their natural lives are short, only three years.  Enjoy watching the cute creatures scampering among the leaves and grasses, without going nuts or reaching for the exterminator. It's beautiful and huge at the same time!