Monday, August 24, 2020

Drowning in Plastic

Microplastics, those microscopic particles of man-made chemical compounds that are embedded in the food chain have now made their way through the human gut.  A study reached that conclusion in 2018 and two researchers at Arizona State University have found them in human organs.  Studying 47 tissue samples, the graduate students found plastic compounds in every one, including BPA (biphenol A) used in packaging and thought to cause cardiovascular problems. The study by two graduate student researchers is considered the first to study human tissue contamination by microplastics.

credit: R. Carey/WWF
Microplastics have wreaked havoc on marine ecosystems.  They are so prevalent microplastics impact fish fertility and respiration. Some 300 million tons of plastic waste is thought to be created each year. Most plastics are not biodegradable, but does deteriorate into smaller and smaller pieces from 5mm to less than .001mm.  The problem of plastic waste is not improving, either.  A recent study reported in Nature Communications concludes that the mass of microplastics found in the upper layers of the Atlantic Ocean is approximately 12-21 million tons.  This estimate counts only three of the widely used types of plastic in limited sizes.  Compared to the previous estimates of 17 million tons for all plastic waste in the Atlantic, the study suggests the ocean's pollution is much greater. 
that marine birds feed plastic detritus washed up on remote Pacific islands to their chicks causing starvation and poisoning. Studies have concluded that

There has been an upsurge in plastic waste during the pandemic, as global humanity reaches for the PPE and stays indoor consuming packaged products of all types.  Plastic waste will double by 2040.  There is hope that humanity can reduce its suicidal path to planetary destruction, if it begins to change its adverse behaviors now. This chart shows a credible way to reduce the flow of plastics into the oceans:

US Person wants you to tell politicians that you want the flow of plastics into the world's oceans to be reduced, if not stopped, by implementing an enforceable global treaty immediately.  Sign here.