Friday, August 28, 2020

'Toontime: Fantasy 'Merica

After three nights of non-stop mendacity from RNC, your head must be spinning!  Read PNG and you will receive the anecdote.  No, not hydroxyQ, but the news fit to repeat.  Here are this week's hilarious 'toons:

credit: Rick McKee
Only in the Heel's 'Merican Nightmare' does a paralyzed victim of police brutality get handcuffed to his hospital bed.

credit: Horsey, Los Angeles Times
BC Idonwanna: Look, which one is Orange man, now?

The Heel had the unmitigated gall to call the kettle black in last night's rambling TV ad for himself. US Person says give him the old "Trojan Horse"; it has got to be better than this inexplicable freak show in the Swamp!

 Is it me?....