Thursday, October 15, 2020

American Fascist

An historical characteristic of fascist regimes is the integration of state and business interests to further common policies. The same synthesis is occurring during the Killer's regime in a pernicious way. A new analysis of his tax records by the New York Times shows that while in office he has built a network of businesses who contribute to Trump, Inc. Sixty businesses with interests before his political regime have shoveled $12 million in the first two years of his misbegotten administration into Trump owned companies. During his campaign and inauguration, his Mar-a-Lago club boasted 100 new members. In 2016 alone, club initiation fees generated $6 million in revenue; the Times writes, "At Mar-a-Lago, members paid Mr. Trump to spend time at what was, ultimately, his home. During meals, people would line up at his table. Guests, even paying members, had a habit of thanking Mr. Trump for having them over."

The paper has identified more than twenty foreign officials, politicians or business groups from foreign countries who held events at Trump owned hotels or rented rooms there. The Times goes on, "More than 70 advocacy groups, businesses and foreign governments threw events at the properties that had previously been held elsewhere, or created new events that drove dollars into Mr. Trump’s businesses". Since taking office, Trump has spent more than 342 days--a  third of his entire presidency--at his private clubs and hotels, the Washington Post reports. How much the government has spent on his security and travel while at these places is unknown, but it is substantial if a $650 room rate charged the Secret Service is any indication. His blatant, unconstitutional self-dealing using the prestige of his public office is by a man who promised to put Americans first, and drain the swamp of Washington influence peddling. NOT: 'Killer' is the biggest monster in the swamp.

He is not using the straight arm salute now [photo above], but give him four more years and he will. The arrogance of a full-on fascist is already unmistakable:

We will grind you revolutionists down,

and we shall walk upon your faces.

The world is ours, we are its lords, 

and ours it shall remain--Jack London, Iron Heel

US Covd-19 Deaths (est.): 231,356*
*The regime has admitted following the seriously misguided and unqualified advice of "herd immunity". (Dr. Anthony Fauci: "total nonsense") This approach is dangerous and already rejected by two European countries because the policy would lead to more avoidable deaths and new cases of COVID19. US Person predicts that by the end of 2020, US death toll will exceed 300,000.