Thursday, October 22, 2020

COTW: The Virus in Two Charts

This week's charts show the current status of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the US. Not surprisingly there is good news and bad news. The bad news first because forewarned is forearmed (usually):
credit: NYT

New cases are climbing, which reflects two factors--more testing and on set of colder weather. People spend more time inside provides more opportunities for transmission. Killer's in-your-face mass rallies are not helping, either. His approach is to blame Dr. Fauci, who's politics are suspicious.

Despite the rise in new cases, deaths from COVID-19 are holding steady. Medicine has developed some effective therapies during the anxious wait for a safe and effective vaccine. Remdesirvir, cortical-steroids, and anticlonal antibodies appear to be effective in combating disease symptoms, if Killer's immaculate recovery is any reliable indication. But these expensive and still experimental drugs are not widely available and may not be covered by private insurance.   Still, even with improved treatments and vulnerable populations taking effective precautions, 700 daily deaths from COVID-19 puts the nation on course for 300.000+ dead by the end of the year.  All part of making America great, again!