Monday, March 15, 2021

See the USA, via Railway!

'Merika is exceptioinal--in a bad way. This country is the only developed western nation without a high speed rail newwork. Most western EU countries have them as well as our Asian competitors Korea, Japan and China. Show this chart to "Amtrack Joe":

It is a map of a possible high speed network of tomorrow. Think of it as the Interstate network on steroids. After seeing Germany's network of dual-lane highways built to move men and material quickly around the country, General Eisenhower decided a similar "autobahn' would be good idea for his country. It boggles the mind to think that a solidly conservative president like Eisenhower subsidized a national infrastructure project like the Interstate Highway System by creating a trust fund that guaranteed the federal governemt would pay for 90% of the cost of construction. Definitely sounds like socialism! It took thirty-five years to build the highwway system. The federal-state partnership still functions with states responsible for maintenance, but with reliable, long term federal funding. Rail in 'Merika has never had such a long-term federal commitment. Sure, there is Amtrak and it has the Accela express service in the northeast corridor that 'Commuter Joe' road to work from Delaware, but that road is anemic, the butt of conservative jokes, when compared for example to the Très Grand Vitesse of France.. By the way, US Person rode the TGV from Paris to Provence. It is impressive--at 200mph it makes the Accela look like a snail. A TGV recorded a land speed record of 357.2 mph in 2007!

All of this may change if "Amtrak Joe" and "Mayor Pete", his new Transportation Secretary, get their way. Mayor Pete was responsible for bringing a commuter rail service to his city of South Bend from Chicago. His experience with railway funding could prove invaluable. An interstate network of exclusively passenger high-speed rail is no mean accomplishment. Two conditions are absolutely necessary: federal funding, and a long-term policy commitment that must span several administrations. Establishing a trust fund similar to the one that fianced the interstate highways is a good first step. However, influential, deep pockets have lined up against a national rail system, llike the Koch Brothers, those perennial ghouls of reaction. In their playbook public transit is the handmaiden of Marxist revolution.

In his green infrastructure plan, Biden is calling for every city to have quality, zero emissions transportation options, including funding rail projects with the goal of creating the fastest rail system in the world. He will have to succeed where Obama could not. A high-speed rail network could replace the polluting and unprofitable short hall and commuter air lines crowding our overcrowded skies. Powered by green electricity, such a system would be almost carbon neutral, a giant step forward to protecting the planet from catastrophic climate change. DOT now has the expertise to pursue this long-term goal. High speed rail has support among the public too, especially younger voters. California is already building high speed rail to connect San Francisco with Los Angeles using federal funds. The California road has been delayed by conservative political opposition. Nevertheless, stars may be finally aligned for building high speed rail in this country. Who would not like to travel in leg-stretching comfort from the center of Washington DC to the heart of Chicago in four hours, a trip that now takes twenty hours. That is progress, baby!