Friday, March 19, 2021

'Toontime: State of Delusion

credits: P. Bagley--Salt Lake Tribune

Acquitting a criminal chief executive twice is not low enough for the Party of Sedition (POS). They gave aid and comfort to armed insurrectionists who attempted to take over the Capitol on January 6th and block certification of presidential election results. Their latest assault on democracy after being out-voted at the polls, is to pass restrictive voting laws reminiscent of Jim Crow. Pleas for unity and bi-partisanship should be ignored, if not derided. The Big Lie is still being espoused by party officials and die-hard Trumpists.

McConnell's threat to turn the Senate into a 100 car pile-up is ridiculous in the extreme since a majority can alter Senate rules. After all, It was McConnell who rammed through another Supreme Court justice by breaking the rule he made to prevent a former Democratic president (Obama) from naming a Supreme Court justice. The nation and Democrats would be much better served passing popular legislation, which would preserve their slim congressional majority, rather than coddling the recalcitrant POS. If that requires altering the filibuster rule to place the onus of obstruction squarely on McConnell and cohorts, then so be it. Why a supposedly Democratic senator is doing the work of seditionists by preserving a super majority rule, is inexplicable to US Person.  Inquiring minds of the "hard left" want to know!


BC Idonwanna sez: Half million dead no hoax!