Friday, August 06, 2021

'Toontime: This Week in Trump

credit: Tom Tomorrow

Pieces of Herr Trumpillini's milti-faceted coup attempt are falling out in public. The extent he was willing to use official levers of power to thwart a legitimate transfer of power to the president elect is horrifying. More than just the thugs who marched on the Capitol at his command January 6th is his repeated efforts to use the Department of Justice to declare the election a fraud in order to throw the election into the House of Representatives where his party's majority control of state legislatures would make the difference. He even contemplated invoking the Insurrection Act to retain power.

Richard Donoghue, who was acting Deputy Attorney General during the regime's final days, is perhaps ready to tell the tale of dangerous presidential malfeasance. He will speak in private before the House Oversight Committee attorneys about Herr Trumpilini's demands that DOJ declare the election, "corrupt and leave the rest to me and R. Congressmen" according to Donoghue's contemporaneous notes of his telephone call. He may also detail the attempt to substitute Trump DOJ minion Jeffery Clark for acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. Clark drafted a letter to Georgia election officials urging them to overturn the election results in their state. Donoghue told the plotters to take a hike when asked to sign the letter. Apparently there were six of these letters sent to swing states requesting assistance in overthrowing the elected government of the United States. This coup attempt is without parallel since succession of southern states begat the Civil War. Even if Donoghue is not willing to be candid with investigators, enough of the paper trail exists to make it clear that Trumpillini is not just a tax cheat, but an insurrectionist as well.

Proof unto the fifth generation....

"He did a lot of good things....."